This package is designed to retrieve raw data from the Devaluation study from two sources – questionnaires administered via Qualtrics and a host of measures collected via Redcap, including outcome measures such as body mass, BMI, and hip-waist ratio.

These data are collected from participants across 6 sessions:

Session Study timepoint
Session 0 Initial visit
Session 1 Pre-intervention
Session 2 Post-intervention
Session 3 3-month follow-up
Session 4 6-month follow-up
Session 5 12-month follow-up

Note. The examples included here demonstrate code usage with screenshots of redacted output to protect data privacy.

API credentials file

To access data, you will need a credentials file, saved in .csv format, that contains valid API tokens for Qualtrics and Redcap, along with the proper UO-specific base URL for each platform. (The example shown here does not contain valid tokens.)

The credentials file should take the following form:

#> # A tibble: 2 x 3
#>   data_source base_url                        api_token
#>   <chr>       <chr>                           <chr>    
#> 1 qualtrics        Pbqm…    
#> 2 redcap 2A9C…


To access survey data from Qualtrics, first register your Qualtrics credentials in your current R session by passing the path to where your credentials file is saved to register_qualtrics_credentials().

register_qualtrics_credentials(path_to_creds = "credentials.csv")

Once your credentials are registered, you can use get_survey_info() to obtain metadata about Qualtrics surveys, including the date each survey was last modified and the number of observations collected.

survey_metadata <- get_survey_info()

To include the raw data along with survey metadata, set append_raw_data = TRUE. This returns a nested tibble in which raw data are saved as a list column.

survey_raw_data <- get_survey_info(append_raw_data = TRUE)

You can also retrieve raw survey data for a given session with get_survey_responses_raw().

session_3 <- get_survey_responses_raw(session = 3)


The package also facilitates the retrieval of data from Redcap with the get_redcap_raw() function. Rather than register your Redcap credentials in your session, simply feed this function the path to your credentials file with the path_to_creds argument.

redcap_raw <- get_redcap_raw(path_to_creds = "credentials.csv")

By default, identifiable information is excluded when retrieving raw Redcap data. To include identifiable variables, you must set identifiable = TRUE.

redcap_identifiable <- get_redcap_raw(path_to_creds = "credentials.csv", identifiable = TRUE)